A&W says :

(disclaimer: I am no expert in parenting, simply sharing my thoughts)

Start from young.

Many a time I come across parents, upon seeing what the other parent’s child has, go on to purchase it for their own, even if it’s a luxury. (think I-phone, I-pad)

It is probably due to

1) parents “pity” their own chidlren

2) parents themselves must not ‘lose face”

3) princes / princesses demand and they simply give in.

Parents may think that it is a way of showing their love for their children by showering them with expensive stuff.This may lead to our children being materialistic and soon, what is a luxury will become a necessity.

Next- peer pressure. Though not all peer pressure is negative, more often than not, it is.Teach our kids how not to succumb to peer pressure.One way is to build their self confidence and be involved in their lives. Show them they are being loved so that they do not have to feel that they have to do what their friends do in order to fit in.

And yes, communicate with our children. But despite all the talk about being chummy with our children, I think, there still must be a clear understanding as to who is the boss. Certain lines just cannot be crossed.

Anything & Whatever

report by : Shaffiq Alkhatib – The New Paper – 20 April 2012

It’s worrying that some girls as young as 15 approached escort agencies asking for work.

Speaking to The New Paper, the director of youth services at the Singapore Children’s Society, Dr Carol Balhetchet, said this could be due to today’s “materialistic and indulgent youth society”.

She added that some young girls are attracted to the glamourous lifestyle around them.

Dr Balhetchet said:” They want designer bags, designer shoes, designer clothes.  These things are expensive. “

“And if they cannot obtain money from their parents to buy these things, they may look for other ways to raise it.”

And one of the ways could be through the sex trade.

To prevent this, Dr Balhetchet advised parents to build a close and open relationship with their daughters when they are still little.

“Build a relationship based on trust and respect. …

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